Friday 12 October 2007

Are Apple ditching their signature white colour?

The new iMac has an anodized aluminum frame. The iPhone and iTouch are only available in black. The Shuffle was never available in white and the iPod was revamped sporting either black or silver colour options. Are they retiring the colour that set them apart from other computer manufacturers?
Jeez, just when interiors are mostly white and glossy they dump the colour that would match the trend. Must be a man at the helm there.
But never fear "colorware" are available to customise your toys. Offering a broad range of colours and a mix and match colour service to personalise your iPods, gaming consoles, laptops and other accessories, there's no need to suffer black gadgets again.

On the other hand, having seen the "future iMac concept" by Kromekat - why bother! According to Adam Benton courtesy of Renderosity "The iMac features a 30" ultra-thin LCD screen, which is totally transparent when the iMac is not in use. The screen can also be set to various levels of translucency, and can fade during sleep modes etc. The keyboard is also totally transparent, low profile and a curved ergonomic design, with light sensitive illuminated keys. Everything is of course, wireless".

I wonder when that's available?

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